发布时间:2024-05-29 20:36:15 人气: 来源:未知

华商网 深圳3月17日电(陈志峰、符坚明) 今年恰逢共建“一带一路”倡议提出十周年,这是能够改变全世界发展中国家命运的倡议。借着“一带一路”的东风,3月15日,吉尔吉斯斯坦共和国总统办政府考察团一行Botobaev Chyngyz: Advisor to the Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers波托巴耶夫·钦吉兹 内阁部长会议主席顾问; Aziz Kanatbek: Director of the Research Institute of Geopolitics and Strategy; 阿齐兹·卡纳特贝克地缘政治与战略研究所所长; Omurov Sultan: Researcher at the National Institute of Strategic Studies; 奥穆罗夫·苏丹国家战略研究所研究员; Mukanov Kanat:Director of the National Center for Information Technologies; 穆卡诺夫·卡纳特 国家信息技术中心主任; Abykeev Ulanbek:Independent Expert; 阿比克耶夫·乌兰别克 独立专家; Mambetzhanov UsonSpecialist in Taxation曼贝扎诺夫·乌森 税务专家等一行人莅临华商建造工集团参观考察并交流,建造工集团董事长、世界华商联合总会中国区副会长马昕岳(Michael Ma);世界华商联合总会广东分会常务副会长兼深圳分会会长、世界华商联合总会“一带一路”执行秘书长、集团总裁陈志峰(Bruce Chen);世界华商联合总会副会长兼香港分会会长、世界华商“一带一路”秘书长、香港华商世聚集团董事长、香港银行家协会名誉会长、集团副总裁李全伟(Bill Li)共同参加了迎宾仪式和商务洽谈会议。




Office of the President of Kyrgyzstan Delegations Visit China JZG Group
Release Time: March 20, 2024
World Association of Chinese Businessmen News, Shenzhen, March 17 (Chen Zhifeng, Fu Jianming) - This year marks the tenth anniversary of the launch of the "Belt and Road" initiative, a proposal capable of changing the fate of developing countries around the world. With the momentum of the "Belt and Road," on March 15, delegations from the Office of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, including Botobaev Chyngyz: Advisor to the Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers; Aziz Kanatbek: Director of the Research Institute of Geopolitics and Strategy; Omurov Sultan: Researcher at the National Institute of Strategic Studies; Mukanov Kanat: Director of the National Center for Information Technologies; Abykeev Ulanbek: Independent Expert; Mambetzhanov Uson: Taxation Specialist, visited China JZG Group for an inspection. Participants in the welcome ceremony and business negotiation meeting included Michael Ma, Chairman of JZG Group and Vice President of the Guangdong branch of the World Chinese Business Association; Bruce Chen, Executive Vice President of the Guangdong branch and President of the Shenzhen Branch of the World Chinese Business Association, and Secretary-General for "Belt and Road" initiatives at the Group; and Bill Li, Vice President of the World Chinese Business Association and President of the Hong Kong Branch, Secretary-General for "Belt and Road," Chairman of the World Chinese Commerce Group, Honorary President of the Hong Kong Bankers Association.
During the discussions, Michael Ma, on behalf of the JZG Group, warmly welcomed the delegations and introduced the Group's business areas, technical R&D, and management models. The delegations highly praised these aspects and stated, "With the joint efforts of the JZG Group and enterprises of the Kyrgyz Republic, we believe that we can seize the historic opportunities of the 'Belt and Road' construction and make new contributions to promoting global economic cooperation and development." The Group proposed ideas for market operations in Southeast Asia and the Kyrgyz Republic.
Bill Li, Secretary-General of the "Belt and Road" for the World Chinese Business Association, stated: The "Belt and Road" initiative not only enhances the economic sustainability of developing countries but also contributes to environmental sustainability. Over the past ten years, this initiative has proven its significant practical significance, received recognition from the international community and a wide range of Chinese businesses, and become a vast global cooperation platform. "China plays a key role in maintaining global security and is an engine for economic and technological development. The 'Belt and Road' initiative has become an attractive international public good and an important cooperation platform, achieving widely recognized positive results. We hope to take this opportunity for in-depth exchanges between China JZG Group and the delegations from the Kyrgyz Republic, to integrate resources, merge developments, and achieve cooperative wins."
At the meeting, Botobaev Chyngyz, Advisor to the Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic, thanked the JZG Group and the Shenzhen SME Credit Association for their warm reception. He believed this was an excellent opportunity for "narrating friendship, discussing cooperation, and seeking development" as the central idea, which will further enhance the friendship and understanding between the government and enterprises of the Kyrgyz Republic and JZG Group. He looked forward to increasing interactions, strengthening cooperation, and continuously enlarging the cake of mutual interests.
The delegations introduced the situation of the Kyrgyz Republic and its enterprises and their next development plans. They highly praised the development of JZG Group and recognized the significant influence of the World Chinese Business Association globally, especially in developing countries, for actively contributing to the development of the "Belt and Road." They found the Construction Engineering Group to be full of vitality and business opportunities and were keen to actively explore and meet mutual needs to initiate cooperation, promote mutual benefit and common development.
Afterward, the delegations toured the Group's headquarters and subsidiaries. JZG Group's leaders and staff warmly received the visiting delegations, with marketing specialists and translators accompanying them throughout to ensure a better understanding of the projects. The site visit not only bolstered the delegation's confidence in the China JZG Group's brand but also provided them with a more detailed and comprehensive understanding of the Group's comprehensive strength and product features.
The visit of the delegations is an affirmation and recognition of JZG Group, enhancing mutual understanding and contact, and finding common ground in many areas, with both sides gaining significantly. It is hoped that this valuable opportunity will lead to more exchanges and cooperation, thereby achieving mutual improvement and progress.
China JZG Group will take this opportunity to further enhance product quality and service levels to meet more customer needs. Looking forward to the future, there is anticipation for establishing close cooperation with enterprises from the Kyrgyz Republic in future development, contributing to a new journey of linked development and pushing forward the "Belt and Road" initiative for new progress.
Responsible Editor: Fu Jianming
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